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the three r’s
读、写、算  detail>>
three r's
1.读,写,算。 2.基本功,基础知识;要害。   detail>>
a r
简写的 约略  detail>>
 短语和例子   R=80000。 the ‘r' [R] months 九月到四月〔牡蛎当令的季节,月名都含有 r 字〕。 the three R's (作为...  detail>>
r a
抽油杆和油管  detail>>
r and
rr and r, r & r 1.=rest and recuperation (leave) 【美军】(正常例假以外的)休整假期。 2.rock'n'roll 摇滚舞(...  detail>>
r of s
系统复查,系统回顾  detail>>
r or
rno rales or rhonchi 无干湿罗音 无干湿罗音  detail>>
s r
刺激  detail>>
t or r
触疼或反跳疼  detail>>
t r
度母 吐兰  detail>>
收发两用机  detail>>
no r or r
rhonchi]无干湿音 无干湿音  detail>>
r and r
 短语和例子   R and R, R & R  1.=rest and recuperation (leave) 【美军】(正常例...  detail>>
at three
在三点 在三时  detail>>
of the three
在三者里面  detail>>
the three
精灵三戒 三只小猫  detail>>
 n.  1.三个人[东西]。 2.三岁,三时。 3.【板球】3字型。  短语和例子   three...  detail>>